PAST Live Events
The Great Conjunction with Ike Rodriguez
We start by talking about the difference between tropical and sidereal astrology. We look at 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus..which is a doozey! Then we talk about the Great Conjunction and what it means for leadership. And if that is not enough there is something interesting coming on Dec 14th that could have huge repercussions! There is a solar eclipse conjunct Trumps natal lunar eclipse which is in the 13th zodiac sign of Ophiuchus, which has been seen before in other leaders elected around the Great conjunction, who die in office! We also look at the Saturn Pluto Conjunction on Jan 12 2020, which is when the Corona Virus got real! Finally Uranus is Aries, which means an awakening change, for humanity?Maybe...come and have a listen!
Of Celtic heritage, Shonagh follows the wisdom of the ancients and serves as an An Bàn Draoi (dree), Gaelic for a Celtic medicine woman/seer. As a modern medicine woman, she brings her connection to nature and the spirit worlds into her flourishing practice, working with clients from all over the world who travel to her little farmhouse in Vermont for a very unique healing experience. Her work is probing and revelatory and ultimately life-renovating.
Shonagh has studied with master teachers and for the past 10 years has apprenticed herself to the mushroom teachers, who have led her into profound connection with the spirits of nature and her ancestral roots. She is a seer who specializes in shadow work, delving into the rich territory of the deep psyche.
My discussion with Shonagh Home...was not so Magical Egypt, but I hope you enjoy it : ) This is one WISE WOMAN...and in here she deliver poetic transmissions from her mushroom teachers. These give me goose bumps! Enjoy
Live with PEter Mark Adams
The Game of Saturn is the first full length, scholarly study of the enigmatic Renaissance masterwork known as the Sola-Busca tarot. It reveals the existence of a pagan liturgical and ritual tradition active amongst members of the Renaissance elite and encoded within the deck. Beneath its beautifully decorated surface, its imagery ranges from the obscure to the grotesque; we encounter scenes of homoeroticism, wounding, immolation and decapitation redolent of hidden meanings, violent transformations and obscure rites.
LIVE WITH Thomas Sheridan
Thomas Sheridan is Magical period! He is also an author, artist, storyteller, and voracious filmmaker with literally thousands of videos on youtube. In them, Sheridan re-examins everything from art, history, mythology, the occult, and even social engineering from a magickal viewpoint therein, adding insight and wisdom rare in this materialistically burdened era. He is a practicing chaos magician whose operations play out live on social media, making him one of the most intriguing and entertaining figures on the magickal landscape. We are so happy he shared his wisdom with us in Season 3 of Magical Egypt!
At this event Thomas will walk us through making our very own sigil for the benefit of all. Using everything from domestic appliances to CCTV to charge a magical intention, we will learn new methods for old techniques! What a wonderful way to affect your very first Magical Operation!